How to remove baby’s gas?

How to remove baby’s gas?

This week we will review gas pain which may become as much a nightmare for parents as for babies.

Gas is a normal phenomenon for babies. It usually manifests itself with burping, abdominal swelling, cramps and crying. It is not often a sign of an important disease. It is normal for babies to pass gas between 14 and 25 times a day.


Why all the gas?

It comes from two sources: food ingested without being broken down and air swallowed by the babies. Babies swallow air when they cry. Gas also accumulates because of foods that are not properly digested.


What can we do to prevent accumulation of gas in baby’s body?

We can suggest a few methods to prevent gas formation. One of them is feeding baby in a vertical position.  Especially, mothers should keep their baby’s head over her stomach if they breastfeed her or feed with a bottle.  In this way, milk stays at lower sections of stomach while air stays up.

Experts claim that teat of the feeding bottle could also cause gas formation. It is useful to change the teat often. The teats that let the milk flow at a slower pace are healthier.


What can we do to alleviate baby's gas pain?

According to pediatricians, there are different positions to make the baby burp. For example, holding her in a vertical position, you can lightly pat at her back, without shaking her. You can place her on your lap with her face downwards and rub her back gently. She may also like sitting on your lap while you tap at her back. These all may be helpful in getting the gas out of baby’s body. You can also open your arm and stretch the baby over there in a facedown position and massage on her back gently.

If you are not successful in removing the gas in burping positions, you had better leave the baby lying in a facedown position for 5 to 10 minutes after eating. This way, you will get air and milk separated from each other. After that, you can make her burp by tapping gently on her back with love and compassion without shaking her much. Another position that will provide removal of gas much easier is bicycle movement. If you hold baby's legs with your hands and turn them around like in cycling, it will be easier to take off the gas. It is also useful to lay down your baby on her belly in a facedown position. If a newly-fed baby has not yet released gas, she may need to remain in this position for some time under observation. Sometimes you can also give your baby medication with your doctor's advice.