How to Choose the Right Diaper?

Your baby, whom you and your spouse have been waiting for a long time, has finally been born. This new little guest of your family will surely change your whole daily routine. Although you got your baby’s room ready months earlier and bought the clothes that fit best long ago in order to keep up with this change, the first and foremost thing to do is actually choosing the daily products carefully and diligently which your baby will use during the day. Of course, the most important one of these products is the diaper. There are some points to consider as a parent before choosing the diaper that your baby, whose toilet training is years ahead, will carry on its body and need to change many times. Even though all of the diapers appear to be the same, that is not the case at all. Here are some points to keep in mind while choosing the right diaper:

- One of the most important features to look for in a diaper is dryness. It is crucially important that you choose a diaper which absorbs liquid super fast with its special lock crystals and keeps wetness away from your baby’s skin, making his/her sensitive skin dry all day.

- A good diaper should be breathable, enabling ventilation for your baby’s skin and nourish his/ her skin throughout the day thanks to its gentle on skin formula enriched with aloe vera lotion.

- Another important criterion is that the diaper should provide anatomic fit to your baby’s body with elastic side bands, giving him/her a freedom of movement during the day.

-Ultimately, a diaper should provide a complete care system for your baby, keeping your baby’s skin dry, protecting his/ her sensitive skin and giving him/ her a freedom of movement all day.


- You should certainly prefer the diapers you know about and trust their quality. In order to feel at ease, you can use Evy Baby Diapers used by millions of mothers across 50 countries.

How to Choose the Right Wet Towel for Your Baby?

Additional to diapers, one of the most commonly used products is wet wipes. Parents should take special care when buying these products which have countless alternatives available on the market. Under-the-counter brands which are chosen, wrongly, particularly for their low prices, pose severe risks and threats to both your and your child’s health as they are produced in the environments with high levels of bacterial growth.

Therefore, especially for protecting your baby’s sensitive and delicate skin, while choosing the wet wipes for your baby, you should take utmost care that these products have been tested microbiologically and dermatologically, do not contain any compounds such as alcohol and paraben which may be harmful, and have a soft texture.

While making a choice, you can provide maximum protection for your baby’s skin by choosing Evy Baby Wet Wipes as they are tested dermatologically and microbiologically, do not contain compounds like alcohol or paraben. Furthermore, you can indulge your baby by preferring the wet wipes with camomile extracts to prevent irritation or with aloe vera extract to moisture the skin while protecting it.