You decided to build your own family by having a baby and you had a nice surprise: twins! This great but unexpected news will also change your preparation. You will need to buy two of each piece of clothing, toys and other stuff as well as be psychologically ready for it. This week in Mom’s Land, we share some useful tips for mothers of twins.
- One of the biggest risks for twins of a very young age is close contact with too many people who want to show their love. Even if just one of the babies catches an infection in this case, the other baby may catch it easily, so you end up with two sick babies. It is quite a difficult period for any parent whose babies are sick at the same time. Therefore, limit your twins’ exposure to the external environment as much as possible, at least while they are very small.
- Twin children often see each other as competitors. This is a natural situation, but parents should avoid attitudes supporting it. Therefore, avoid making comparisons between the twins.
- Even if it is claimed that twins are connected to each other telepathically and share the same mood, it isn’t scientifically proven. The reason for having insomnia, hunger etc. at the same time in twins isn’t related to these claims. Twins who are fed and fall asleep at the same time will naturally be hungry and wake up at the same time or one after another.
- Twin babies are compelled to share from birth. They have to share not only toys but also the interest of their parents. As parents of twins, you should act as a rational mediator who encourages sharing and give each of them equal attention.
- You also shouldn’t compare the development of your twins. If one baby's hair grows and the other’s does not, or if one starts crawling and the other can’t, you shouldn’t turn this into a big deal. Remember, even if they are twins, the development of each baby may have some differences. The same applies in terms of their interests and abilities.
- Even if twins are born at the same time, they will have different personalities. Therefore, you shouldn’t see them as having the same character, but encourage them to develop their individuality.
- As a parent, you need to share your interest fairly among your children. This is one of the most difficult things that parents of twins face.